Itinerary Overview
Fieldbook provides multiple itinerary views to help you manage and organise your tour while previewing what will appear on your sales, guide, and guest documents.
Calendar View vs. List View
Fieldbook offers two views for building your itinerary:
Calendar View: A visual, interactive interface that allows you to drag and drop items, making it easy to manage and adjust your itinerary.
List View: Presents the itinerary in a list format. You can view all content at once, which is helpful for reviewing details.
Tip: We recommend using Calendar View for its interactivity and ease of use.
Office, Guide, Passenger, and Sales Views
You can toggle between views to preview what appears on sales, guide and guest documents:
Office View: Shows all items
Guide View: Shows items included in the guide documents.
Passenger View: Shows items shown included in the guest documents
Sales View: Shows items shown included in the sales document (e.g. tour brochure)
These views directly relate to the Tour Documents you create, such as the Sales Brochure, Guide Itinerary, or Passenger Itinerary.
4 Simple Steps to Build an Itinerary
Start creating your tour itinerary in just four easy steps:
Add Itinerary Days: Build your tour by adding or removing days as needed.
Add Day Descriptions & Images: Include content and visuals for each day that will be included in your Tour Documents.
Add Itinerary Items: Break down the day into activities and events.
Add Cover Image & Description: Add a cover image and short description of the itinerary
Step 1: Add Itinerary Days
Build your tour by adding or removing days as needed.
To add a day:
Select Calendar View by clicking the calendar icon.
To add or insert a day:
Hover your cursor over the timeline where you want to add a day.
A blue line and "+" icon will appear
Click "+" add or insert a day
To remove a day:
Hover your cursor over the top right hand corner of a day
A "x" will appear
Click "x" to remove the day
Coming Soon: Drag & Drop Days
We’re working on the ability to reorder and copy days within your itinerary.
Step 2: Add Day Descriptions & Images
Include content and visuals for each day that will be included in your Tour Documents.
To add or edit day descriptions & images:
Click on the day title (e.g., Thu Jul 10). A side drawer will appear.
Add or edit descriptions and images for sales, guide, or passenger documents.
Step 3: Add Itinerary Items
After setting your days, start adding itinerary items to represent activities and events on each day.
To add an itinerary item:
Click on the calendar
Fill out the itinerary item name, start time, and end time.
Use colours to categorise activities (e.g., transfers, meals)
Add detailed descriptions to each item for sales or passenger documents.
Add guide notes that only appear in the Guide Itinerary.
To move and edit items:
Move Items: Drag and drop items to rearrange them.
Adjust Duration: Lengthen or shorten items by dragging the edges.
To remove an itinerary item:
Click an item and select "Remove Item" at the buttom right hand side of the drawer
Coming Soon: Itinerary Item Images
Currently, images can only be added at the day level. We’re working on adding support for images directly within itinerary items for more detailed visuals.
Step 4: Add Cover Image and Description
Add a cover image, tagline and description that will appear on the cover page of your Tour Documents.
To add add a cover image, tagline and description:
Navigate to the Information tab
Enter the Departure Name for Passengers – this will appear as the title on the front page of the tour document
Add a Tagline for Passengers – this will display below the title.
Provide a Description for Passengers – this will be featured on the cover page.
Up Next: Adding Suppliers & Services to Your Itinerary
Now that you’ve built your itinerary, the next step is to add supplier sand their services to your itinerary.